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Answers for MCQs of the Day 05-07-21 by Dr. R. S. Gujar and Dr. M. S. Gujar.

Updated: Jul 7, 2021


1] Hribera and Utpala with chaaga paya peya is used for ___________

1. Raktatisaraghni

2. Atisara

3. Mutrachruchra

4. All of the above


2] Amla Nagara and Atisara peya is used for ___________

1. Raktatisaraghni

2. Atisara

3. Mutrachruchra

4. All of the above


3] Swadamshtra and Kantakari with Phanita peya is used for ___________

1. Raktatisaraghni

2. Atisara

3. Mutrachruchra

4. All of the above


4] Vidanga, Pippalimoola, Shigru, Maricha and Takrasiddha with Suvarchika peya is used for ___________

1. Krmi

2. Pipasa

3. Visha

4. All of the above


5] Mrudvika, Sariva, Laja, Pippali, and Madhu peya is used for ___________

1. Krmi

2. Pipasa

3. Visha

4. All of the above


6] Somaraji siddhi yavagu is used for ___________

1. Krmi

2. Pipasa

3. Visha

4. All of the above


7] Yavagu prepared with Varaha mamsarasa is used for ___________

1. Brihana

2. Karsha

3. Both 1 & 2

4. All of the above


8] Gavudhukaana is used for ___________

1. Brihman

2. Karsha

3. Both 1 & 2

4. All of the above


9] Yavagu prepared with Tila, Ghrita with Lavana is used for ___________

1. Rukshana

2. Snehana

3. Both 1 & 2

4. All of the above


10] Yavagu prepared with Kusha and Amalaka is used for ___________

1. Rukshana

2. Snehana

3. Both 1 & 2

4. All of the above


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