1] __________ is not the quality of Mutra in General
1. कर्षेत् पित्तमधोभाग
2. परिषेके
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of the above
2] __________ is not the indication of Mutra in General
1. दीपनीयं
2. विषघ्नं
3. क्रिमिघ्नं
4. None of the above
3] ________ Guna is the not related with Avi Mutra
1. सतिक्तं
2. स्निग्धं
3. पित्ताविरोधि
4. None of the above
4] ________ Guna is the not related with आज Mutra
1. कषाय
2. मधुरं
3. पथ्यं
4. None of the above
5] ________ Guna is the not indicated with गव्यं Mutra
1. क्रिमिकुष्ठनुत्
2. मधुरं, ग्दोषोदरे
3. कण्डूं च शमयेत्
4. None of the above
6] ________ Guna is the not indicated with माहिष Mutra
1. अर्शः
2. शोफोदरघ्नं
3. सक्षारं
4. None of the above
7] लवण is the Guna of _________ Mutra
1. हास्तिकं
2. माहिषं
3. गव्यं
4. आजं
8] क्रिमि and कुष्ठ is the Guna of _________ Mutra
1. हास्तिकं
2. गव्यं
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of the above
[Ch.Su.1/101 & 102]
9] ________ Guna is the not indicated with हास्तिकं Mutra
1. बद्धविण्मूत्र
2. विष
3. श्लेष्म आमया
4. None of the above
10] तिक्तं is the rasa of _________ Mutra
1. Avi
2. Ustra
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of the above
[Ch.Su.1/100 & 103]