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Answers for the MCQs Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana 1st to 4th Adhyayas


1] _______ adhayaya is the 1st adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana .

1. Deerghrnajeevitiya

2. Ayushkamiya

3. Vedotpatti

4. None of the above

2] ________ is common in all the adhyayas of Sushruta samhita.

1. इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ||२||

2. यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

3. इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||

4. None of the above

3] ________ is not the disciple of Bhagavan Dhanvantari

1. औपधेनव

2. वैतरण​

3. औरभ्र

4. None of the above

4] ________ is not the disciple of Bhagavan Dhanvantari

1. पौष्कलावत

2. करवीर्य

3. गोपुररक्षित

4. None of the above

5] ________ is not the disciple of Bhagavan Dhanvantari

1. पौष्कलावत

2. सुश्रुत

3. हरित​

4. None of the above

[Su.Su.1/3 & Su.Su.4/9]

6] Brahma Samhita contains ____________ adhyayas

1. 1,000

2. 10,000

3. 100,000

4. 1,000,000

[Su.Su.1/6] 7] Brahma Samhita contains ____________ shlokas

1. 1,000

2. 10,000

3. 100,000

4. 1,000,000


8] Upaveda of Ayurveda acc. to Dhanvantari is ________

1. Rigveda

2. Yajurveda

3. Atharvaveda

4. None of the above


9] Ayurveda is Upaveda of ________ acc. to Dhanvantari

1. Rigveda

2. Yajurveda

3. Atharvaveda

4. None of the above


10] Sushruta gave ______ place to Kayachikitsa

1. 1st

2. 2nd

3. 3rd

4. 4th


11] The well-known Shloka “तद्दुःखसंयोगा व्याधय उच्यन्ते” is of __________ Samhita

1. Charaka

2. Sushruta

3. Harita

4. None of the above


12] _______ is types of Vyadhi acc. to Sushruta

1. आगन्तवः, शारीराः, मानसाः, आदिदैविक​

2. आगन्तवः, आध्यत्मिक​, मानसाः, स्वाभाविक

3. आगन्तवः, शारीराः, मानसाः, आदिभौतिक​

4. All of the above

[Su.Su.1/24 & Su.Su.24/4]

13] हर्ष is the type of ___________

1. मानसिक​ व्याधि

2. अनवबद्ध शल्य उद्धरण उपाय​

3. Both 1 & 2

4. Only 2

[Su.Su.1/25 & Su.Su.27/4-5]

4] मृत्यु is the type of ___________

1. मानसिक व्याधि

2. शारीरिक व्याधि

3. स्वाभाविक व्याधि

4. आगन्तुज​ व्याधि


15] जरायुज, अण्डज, स्वेदज, & औद्भिज्ज are __________

1. Types of जन्गम

2. Types of स्ठावर​

3. भूतग्रामः

4. Both 1 & 3

[Su.Su.1/22 & Su.Su.1/30]

16] Kshatriya can teach to ________

1. Brahmana, Kshatriya

2. Kshatriya, Vaishya

3. Vaishya, Kshudra

4. Both 1 & 2


17] _______ is the time/ place in which Studying should be avoided acc. to Sushruta.

1. The day of the new moon, the eighth day of the moon’s wane

2. The fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, as well as the corresponding days in the bright one,

3. The day of the full moon, and the meetings of day and night such as (morning and evening) are occasions when the study of the ayurveda is prohibited.

4. All of the above


18] _______ is the time/ place in which Studying should be avoided acc. to Sushruta.

1. A clap of thunder heard at an improper season (months of Pausha, Phalguna and Caitra), 2. A flash of lightning occurring at a time when such phenomena are naturally rare,

3. An evil befalling one’s country, relations, or king,

4. All of the above

[Su.Su.2/9-10] 19] _______ is the time/ place in which Studying should be avoided acc. to Sushruta.

1. One should not read it in a cremation ground,

2. While riding (an elephant, horse, or any) conveyance,

3. In a battle-field, nor in a place of execution

4. All of the above

[Su.Su.2/9-10] 20] _______ is the time/ place in which Studying should be avoided acc. to Sushruta.

1. A festival or the appearance of inauspicious omens,

2. The days of the fortnight usually avoided by the Brahmanas in studying the Vedas,

3. As well as in an unclean state of the body

4. All of the above


21] Total no. of Adhyayas in Sushruta Samhita is _________

1. 120

2. 120+66

3. 150

4. None of the above

22] Total no. of Adhyayas in Sushruta Samhita Kalpasthana is _________

1. 8

2. 10

3. 40

4. None of the above

23] मिश्रकाध्यायः is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 36th, Sutrasthana

2. 37th, Sutrasthana

3. 40th, Sutrasthana

4. 6th, Shareerasthana

24] अन्नपानविध्यध्यायः is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 1st, Sutrasthana

2. 46th , Sutrasthana

3. 40th, Sutrasthana

4. 6th, Shareerasthana

25] दुन्दुभिस्वनीयकल्पः is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 45th, Sutrasthana

2. 6th, Kalpasthana

3. 4th, Shareerasthana

4. 7th, Uttaratantra

26] सिराव्यधविधिशारीरम् is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 8th, Sutrasthana

2. 5th, Kalpasthana

3. 8th, Shareerasthana

4. 9th, Uttaratantra

27] शस्त्रावचारणीयाध्यायः __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 8th, Sutrasthana

2. 5th, Kalpasthana

3. 8th, Shareerasthana

4. 9th, Uttaratantra

28] ____________ is included under Tantrabhushana

1. रसभेदाः, स्वस्थवृत्तं, युक्तयस्तान्त्रिका, दोषभेदा

2. स्वस्थवृत्तं, उन्मादप्रतिषेधश्च, अपस्मारप्रतिषेधः, स्वरभेदचिकित्सा

3. युक्तयस्तान्त्रिका, भूतविद्या, नैगमेषचिकित्सा, नवग्रहाकृतिज्ञानं

4. दोषभेदा, रसभेदाः, भूतविद्या, अपस्मारप्रतिषेधः

29] श्रेष्ठ word is used for _________ bhaga of Sushruta Samhita.

1. Sutrasthana

2. Kalpasthana

3. Shareerasthana

4. Uttaratantra

30] Ref. of यस्तु केवलशास्त्रज्ञः कर्मस्वपरिनिष्ठितः |

स मुह्यत्यातुरं प्राप्य प्राप्य भीरुरिवाहवम् ||

1. Su.Su.3/48

2. Su.Su.3/3

3. Su.Su.4/48

4. Su.Su.4/3

31] कुवैद्यो नृपदोषतः is related with _____________

1. स्नेहादिष्वनभिज्ञो

2. यश्छेद्यादिषु

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above


32] द्विचक्रः स्यन्दनो यथा is related with _____________

1. शास्त्रज्ञः

2. कर्मज्ञश्च

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above


33] ____________ is/ are the perfect ways of studying the shastra

1. पदं पादं श्लोकं

2. अद्रुतमविलम्बित

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above


34] शुचिर्गुरुपरो दक्षस्तन्द्रानिद्राविवर्जितः |

पठन्नेतेन विधिना शिष्यः शास्त्रान्तमाप्नुयात् ||Ref.

1. Su.Su.3/55

2. Su.Su.3/7

3. Su.Su.4/55

4. Su.Su.4/7


35] एकं शास्त्रमधीयानो न विद्याच्छास्त्रनिश्चयम् |

तस्माद्बहुश्रुतः शास्त्रं विजानीयाच्चिकित्सकः || Ref.

1. Su.Su.3/55

2. Su.Su.3/7

3. Su.Su.4/55

4. Su.Su.4/7

36] तस्कराः is related with _______

1. Well known Vaidya

2. Vaidya learnt from the Guru

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above


37] औपधेनवमौरभ्रं सौश्रुतं पौष्कलावतम् |

शेषाणां शल्यतन्त्राणां मूलान्येतानि निर्दिशेत् || Ref.

1. Su.Su.3/9

2. Su.Su.3/55

3. Su.Su.4/9

4. Su.Su.4/55

38] प्रत्येकमर्मनिर्देशशारीरम् is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 6th, Shareerasthana

2. 7th, Shareerasthana

3. 4th, Shareerasthana

4. 9th, Shareerasthana

39] धमनीव्याकरणशारीरम् is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 5th, Shareerasthana

2. 7th, Shareerasthana

3. 4th, Shareerasthana

4. 9th, Shareerasthana

40] द्विव्रणीयचिकित्सितम् is __________ adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita _________ sthana

1. 1st, Chikitsasthana

2. 2nd, Chikitsasthana

3. 3rd, Chikitsasthana

4. 4th, Chikitsasthana


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