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1. Unconsciousness is related with______in Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. Pakvashaya 2. Udara

3. Aamaashaya 4. Arsha

2. In which type of Arishta Laksanas, supra human power or Daiva is the cause?

1. Laksya Nimitta 2. Laksana Nimitta

3. Nimittanurupa 4. None of the above

3. Balamamsa kshaya teevra is related with______in Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 2 paksha arishta 2. 4 paksha arishta

3. 3 paksha arishta 4. 5 paksha arishta

4. The types of Purusha Samsrita Arishta Lakshanas is/ are

1. 1 2. 3

3. 5 4. 6

5. Which of the following is not considered Prakrita Varna?

1. Avadata 2. Syava

3. Syama 4. None of the above

6. 4. Which of the following is considered as Vaikrita Swara?

1. Kalavinka 2. Dundubhi

3. Jarjara 4. None of the above

7. _________ related with vaidurya mani.

1. Chaya 2. Both

3. Prabha 4. Can be option 1

8. Which of the following is not considered as Vaikrita Swara?

1. Gadgada 2. Nemi

3. Grasta 4. Avyakta

9. Definition of Shankhaka roga is explained in _______th adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 9 2. 7

3. 8 4. 3

10. Pretas are holding the body with the head hanging can be the arishta related with ______ vyadhi acc. to Charaka Indriya Sthana.

1. Unmada 2. Prameha

3. Apasmara 4. Kushta

11. Description of Swapna is available in which chapter of Indriya Sthana?

1. Gomaya Churniya Indriya 2. Pushpitaka Indriya

3. Purvarupiya Indriya 4. Pannarupiya Indriya

12. Asthamahagadas are explained in _______th adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 9 2. 7

3. 6 4. 4

13. The description of Cchaya is mentioned in

1. Purvarupiya Indriya 2. Pannarupiya Indriya

3. Pushpitakam Indriya 4. None of the above

14. Types of Prabha

1. 4 2. 6

3. 7 4. 3

15. Extreme cold and calm hands, foot, taalu are explained in _______th adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 8 2. 9

3. 11 4. 7

16. Which of following Cchaya is considered as worst Cchaya?

1. Nabhasi 2. Vayavi

3. Taijasi 4. Parthivi

17. _________ can be easily seen from a long distance .

1. Chaya 2. Both

3. Prabha 4. None

18. Shleshma related arishta is explained in ______ adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana.

1. 6 2. 12

3. 7 4. 3

19. The description of Lepa Jwara is mentioned in

1. Jwara Nidana 2. Jwara Chikitsa

3. Avak Sirasiya Indriya 4. Janapadodhwamsa Vimana

20. The description of Ashtamahagada is mentioned in

1. 9th chapter of Indriya Sthana 2. 10th chapter of Indriya Sthana

3. 8th chapter of Indriya Sthana 4. 11th chapter of Indriya Sthana

21. “Nakhaadishu tu vaivarnyam” is arishta related with ______ vyadhi acc. to Charaka Indriya Sthana.

1. Gulma 2. Jwara

3. Raktapitta 4. Yakshma

22. The removing the hairs by pulling will not cause any pain in the person will die within ______ days acc. to Charaka Indriya Sthana.

1. 6 2. 11

3. 7 4. 3

23. The description of Doota is explained in

1. Pannarupiya Indriya 2. Gomaya Churniya Indriya

3. Purvarupiya Indriya 4. Yasya Syavanimittiya Indriya

24. Sparsanendriya related Arista Laksanas are explained in

1. 4th chapter of Indriya Sthana 2. 5th chapter of Indriya Sthana

3. 3rd chapter of Indriya Sthana 4. 2nd chapter of Indriya Sthana

25. Types of Purusha Ashrita Vikrititah Arishta Laksanas are

1. 6 2. 2

3. 4 4. 3

26. Shubha shakuna dravyas are explained in _______th adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 6 2. 12

3. 4 4. 3

27. Gomaya churna in the head is related with the mrutyu in ______ days

1. 30 2. 7

3. 15 4. 3

28. Definiton of Arishta is explained in _______th adhyaya of Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. 5 2. 11

3. 3 4. 12

29. Pravala guti is related with ________ arishta

1. Kshaya 2. Masurika

3. Jwara 4. Pidaka

30. Parikartika is related with______in Charaka Indriya Sthana

1. Pakvashaya 2. Udara

3. Aamaashaya 4. Arsha

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