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Updated: Jun 23, 2024

Day 0:

Supper - liquid portion of the Ganji (1:14), 1 Part of Rice: 14 Parts of Water.


Day 1:

Breakfast - Ganji (1:14) with solid portion added with salt.

Lunch - Ganji (1:14) with solid portion added with salt.

Supper - Ganji (1:14) with solid portion added with salt.


Day 2:

Breakfast - Ganji with solid portion added (1:6) with salt and ghee.

Lunch - Ganji with solid portion added (1:6) with salt and ghee.

Supper - Ganji with solid portion added (1:6) with salt and ghee.


Day 3:

Breakfast - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup.

Lunch - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.

Supper - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.


Day 4:

Breakfast - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.

Lunch - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.

Supper - Rice (1:6) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.


Day 5:

Breakfast - Rice (1:4) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.

Lunch - Rice (1:4) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.

Supper - Rice (1:4) with green gram soup, salt, and ghee.


Day 6:

Breakfast - Vegetable soup/Meat soup (rasa) with salt.

Lunch - Vegetable soup/Meat soup (rasa) with salt.

Supper - Vegetable soup/Meat soup (rasa) with salt.


Day 7:

Breakfast - Vegetable soup/Meat soup (rasa) salt, and ghee.

Lunch - Vegetable soup/Meat soup (rasa) salt, and ghee.

Supper - Usual diet from here onwards.


Shloka- Charakassmhita, Sutrasthana, 15/16

अथैनं सायाह्ने परे वाऽह्नि सुखोदकपरिषिक्तं पुराणानां लोहितशालितण्डुलानां स्ववक्लिन्नां मण्डपूर्वां सुखोष्णां यवागूंपाययेदग्निबलमभिसमीक्ष्य, एवं द्वितीये तृतीये चान्नकाले, चतुर्थे त्वन्नकाले तथाविधानामेव शालितण्डुलानामुत्स्विन्नांविलेपीमुष्णोदकद्वितीयामस्नेहलवणामल्पस्नेहलवणां वा भोजयेत्, एवं पञ्चमे षष्ठे चान्नकाले, सप्तमे त्वन्नकालेतथाविधानामेव शालीनां द्विप्रसृतं सुस्विन्नमोदनमुष्णोदकानुपानं तनुना तनुस्नेहलवणोपपन्नेन मुद्गयूषेण भोजयेत्,एवमष्टमे नवमे चान्नकाले, दशमे त्वन्नकले लावकपिञ्जलादीनामन्यतमस्य मांसरसेनौदकलावणिकेन नातिसारवताभोजयेदुष्णोदकानुपानम्; एवमेकादशे द्वादशे चान्नकाले; अत ऊर्ध्वमन्नगुणान् क्रमेणोपभुञ्जानः सप्तरात्रेणप्रकृतिभोजनमागच्छेत्||

Word to word meaning:

1. अथ (atha) - then

2. एनम् (enam) - this person (the patient)

3. सायाह्ने (sāyāhne) - in the evening

4. परे (pare) - next

5. वा (vā) - or

6. अह्नि (ahni) - day

7. सुखोदकपरिषिक्तं (sukhodakapariṣiktaṁ) - sprinkled with Luke warm water(परि (pari) - a prefix meaning around, all over, thoroughly; परि (pari) - a prefix meaning around, all over, thoroughly; षिक्तं (ṣiktam) - sprinkled, anointed, moistened- sprinkled, anointed, moistened)

8. पुराणानां (purāṇānāṁ) - of old (aged)

9. लोहित-शालि-तण्डुलानां (lohitaśālitaṇḍulānāṁ) - red-rice-grains

10. स्ववक्लिन्नां (svavaklinnāṁ) - soaked in its own moisture (अव (ava) - prefix meaning down, off, away, often implying intensity or thoroughness; क्लिन्नम् (klinnam) - soaked, moistened; अव (ava) - prefix meaning down, off, away, often implying intensity or thoroughness; क्लिन्नम् (klinnam) - soaked, moistened)

11. मण्डपूर्वां (maṇḍapūrvāṁ) - preceded by gruel (मण्ड (maṇḍa) - gruel[1:14], a thin watery preparation of flour or rice; पूर्वां (pūrvām) - preceded by, having as a precursor)

12. सुखोष्णां (sukhoṣṇāṁ) - comfortably warm (सुख (sukha) - pleasant, comfortable; उष्णां (uṣṇām) - warm, hot)

13. यवागूंपाययेत् (yavāgūṁ pāyayet) - should make him drink barley gruel (यवागूम् (yavāgūm) - Rice gruel[1:14]; पाययेत् (pāyayet) - should make (someone) drink)

14. अग्नि-बलम् (agnibalam) - digestive power

15. अभिसमीक्ष्य (abhisamīkṣya) - after assessing

16. एवं (evaṁ) - thus

17. द्वितीये (dvitīye) - second

18. तृतीये (tṛtīye) - third

19. च (ca) - and

20. अन्नकाले (annakāle) - mealtime

21. चतुर्थे (caturthe) - fourth

22. तु (tu) - but

23. अन्नकाले (annakāle) - mealtime

24. तथाविधानामेव (tathāvidhānāmeva) - similarly prepared

25. शालितण्डुलानाम् (śālitaṇḍulānām) - of rice grains

26. उत्स्विन्नां (utsvinnāṁ) - well-cooked

27. विलेपीम् (vilepīm) - thick gruel [1:4]

28. उष्णोदकद्वितीयाम् (uṣṇodakadvitīyām) - accompanied with warm water

29. अस्नेहलवणाम् (asnehalavaṇām) - without oil and salt

30. अल्पस्नेहलवणां (alpasnehalavaṇāṁ) - with little oil and salt

31. वा (vā) - or

32. भोजयेत् (bhojayet) - should feed

33. एवं (evaṁ) - thus

34. पञ्चमे (pañcame) - fifth

35. षष्ठे (ṣaṣṭhe) - sixth

36. च (ca) - and

37. अन्नकाले (annakāle) - mealtime

38. सप्तमे (saptame) - seventh

39. त्वन्नकाले (tvannakāle) - mealtime

40. तथाविधानामेव (tathāvidhānāmeva) - similarly prepared

41. शालीनां (śālīnāṁ) - of rice

42. द्विप्रसृतं (dviprasṛtaṁ) - two prasritas (a measure)

43. सुस्विन्नम् (susvinnaṁ) - well-cooked

44. ओदनम् (odanam) - rice

45. उष्णोदकानुपानं (uṣṇodakānupānaṁ) - followed by warm water

46. तनुना (tanunā) - thin

47. तनुस्नेहलवणोपपन्नेन (tanusnehalavaṇopapannena) - with little oil and salt

48. मुद्गयूषेण (mudgayūṣeṇa) - with green gram soup

49. भोजयेत् (bhojayet) - should feed

50. एवं (evaṁ) - thus

51. अष्टमे (aṣṭame) - eighth

52. नवमे (navame) - ninth

53. च (ca) - and

54. अन्नकाले (annakāle) - mealtime

55. दशमे (daśame) - tenth

56. त्वन्नकले (tvannakale) - mealtime

57. लावकपिञ्जलादीनाम् (lāvaka-piñjalādīnām) - of small birds like sparrow and quail

58. अन्यतमस्य (anyatamasya) - of any one

59. मांसरसेन (māṁsarasena) - with meat soup

60. उदकलावणिकेन (udakalāvaṇikena) - with water and salt

61. नातिसारवता (nātisāravatā) - not too liquid

62. भोजयेत् (bhojayet) - should feed

63. उष्णोदकानुपानम् (uṣṇodakānupānam) - followed by warm water

64. एवम् (evam) - thus

65. एकादशे (ekādaśe) - eleventh

66. द्वादशे (dvādaśe) - twelfth

67. च (ca) - and

68. अन्नकाले (annakāle) - mealtime

69. अत ऊर्ध्वम् (ata ūrdhvam) - thereafter

70. अन्नगुणान् (annaguṇān) - qualities of food

71. क्रमेण (krameṇa) - gradually

72. उपभुञ्जानः (upabhuñjānaḥ) - consuming

73. सप्त (sapta) - seven

74. रात्रेण (rātreṇa) - nights

75. प्रकृतिभोजनम् (prakṛtibhojanam) - normal diet

76. आगच्छेत् (āgacchet) - should reach

Shloka Meaning:

"Then, in the evening or the next day, give the person barley gruel, which has been soaked in its own moisture, mixed with gruel of aged red rice grains, sprinkled with pleasant water, and comfortably warm. This should be done after assessing the digestive power. Similarly, for the second and third mealtimes, feed him thick gruel of well-cooked rice grains, accompanied with warm water, without oil and salt or with little oil and salt. For the fourth, fifth, and sixth mealtimes, feed him well-cooked rice (two prasritas), followed by warm water, with thin green gram soup containing little oil and salt. For the seventh, eighth, and ninth mealtimes, feed him similarly prepared rice, well-cooked, accompanied with warm water. For the tenth mealtime, feed him meat soup made from small birds like sparrow or quail, with water and salt, not too liquid, followed by warm water. For the eleventh and twelfth mealtimes, continue in the same manner. Thereafter, consuming food with gradually increasing qualities, the person should reach a normal diet within seven nights."

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