1. ……………. is not the synonym of apamarga
1. Chaff flower 2. Pratyakpushpa 3. Both 4. None
2. Amranaala is the synonym of ……………
1. Ushira 2. Eranda 3. Ela 4. Kantakari
3. Yugapatraka is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
4. Family of Hingu ……………
1. Apocynaceae 2. Asclepiadaceae 3. Rubiaceae 4. Umbeliferae
5. Shukodara is the synonym of ……………
1. Tejohwa 2. Talisa 3. Dhanyaka 4. Tagara
6. Vatsaka is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
7. Negrocoffee is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
8. Kusheshaya is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
9. Chatra is the synonym of ……………
1. Tejohwa 2. Talisa 3. Dhanyaka 4. Tagara
10. Urubaka is the synonym of ……………
1. Ushira 2. Eranda 3. Ela 4. Kantakari
11. Indian beech is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
12. Vakra is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
13. Atmagupta is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
14. Truti is the synonym of ……………
1. Ushira 2. Eranda 3. Ela 4. Kantakari
15. Markati is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
16. Nadisarja is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
17. Aravinda is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
18. Snigdhapatra is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
19. Kshudra is the synonym of ……………
1. Ushira 2. Eranda 3. Ela 4. Kantakari
20. Chamarika is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
21. Nata is the synonym of ……………
1. Tejohwa 2. Talisa 3. Dhanyaka 4. Tagara
22. Jaya is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
23. Raktanga is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
24. Rechana is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
25. Dhavala is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
26. Paribhadra is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
27. Jayanti is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
28. Karkasha is the synonym of ……………
1. Kantaki palasha 2. Kapikachhu 3. Kamala 4. Kampillaka
29. Kuliravishanika is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
30. Panchapanchaa is the synonym of ……………
1. Devadali 2. Draksha 3. Dhattura 4. Daruharidra
31. Kalinga is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
32. Family of Kadamba ……………
1. Apocynaceae 2. Asclepiadaceae 3. Rubiaceae 4. Umbeliferae
33. Shishubhaishajya is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
34. Kanaka is the synonym of ……………
1. Devadali 2. Draksha 3. Dhattura 4. Daruharidra
35. Vijayantika is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
36. Deerghaphala is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
37. Dhatri is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
38. Gostani is the synonym of ……………
1. Devadali 2. Draksha 3. Dhattura 4. Daruharidra
39. Family of Sudarshana ……………
1. Apocynaceae 2. Asclepiadaceae 3. Rubiaceae 4. Umbeliferae
40. Nalada is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
41. Karbudara is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
42. Jalavasa is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
43. Veeravriksha is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
44. Bhangura is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
45. Mayuraka is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
46. Ajashringi is the synonym of ……………
1. Karanja 2. Karkatashringi 3. Kanchanara 4. Kasamarda
47. Nidigdhika is related with ……………
1. Rasna 2. Ativisha 3. Bala 4. Kantakari
48. Rajavriksha is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
49. Tisyaphala is the synonym of ……………
1. Aaragvadha 2. Arka 3. Amalaki 4. Ushira
50. Shuklakanda is the synonym of ……………
1. Agnimantha 2. Ativisha 3. Arjuna 4. Apamarga
51. Kalinga is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
52. Peetarohini is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
53. Vanaja is the synonym of ……………
1. Tejohwa 2. Talisa 3. Dhanyaka 4. Tagara
54. Tarushka is the synonym of ……………
1. Shunti 2. Snuhi 3. Parasikayavani 4. Haridra
55. Garagari is the synonym of ……………
1. Devadali 2. Draksha 3. Dhattura 4. Daruharidra
56. Family of Vasa ……………
1. Achanthaceae 2. Convolvulacaea 3. Liliaceae 4. Moringaceae
57. Dhavalavitapa is the synonym of ……………
1. Sarpagandha 2. Haritaki 3. Bhanga 4. Hingu
58. Family of Sarpagandha ……………
1. Apocynaceae 2. Asclepiadaceae 3. Rubiaceae 4. Umbeliferae
59. Jatuka is the synonym of ……………
1. Sarpagandha 2. Haritaki 3. Bhanga 4. Hingu
60. Pura is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
61. Langali is the synonym of ……………
1. Narikela 2. Nirundi 3. Peelu 4. Prishniparni
62. Family of Shatavari ……………
1. Achanthaceae 2. Convolvulacaea 3. Liliaceae 4. Moringaceae
63. Goodhaphala is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
64. Gudaa is the synonym of ……………
1. Shunti 2. Snuhi 3. Parasikayavani 4. Haridra
65. Dhavani is the synonym of ……………
1. Narikela 2. Nirundi 3. Peelu 4. Prishniparni
66. Maatulaam is the synonym of ……………
1. Sarpagandha 2. Haritaki 3. Bhaanga 4. Hingu
67. Chakrangi is the synonym of ……………
1. Swadaparni 2. Shigru 3. Sudarshana 4. Halimitra
68. Tamrapushpi is the synonym of ……………
1. Nimba 2. Patha 3. Prishniparni 4. Patala
69. Mahishaksha is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
70. Tribhindi is the synonym of ……………
1. Tagara 2. Tuvaraka 3. Trivrit 4. Tulasi
71. Nagara is the synonym of ……………
1. Shunti 2. Snuhi 3. Parasikayavani 4. Haridra
72. Gauri is the synonym of ……………
1. Shunti 2. Snuhi 3. Parasikayavani 4. Haridra
73. Sudha is the synonym of ……………
1. Sarpagandha 2. Snuhi 3. Bhanga 4. Hingu
74. Kundalini is the synonym of ……………
1. Kutaja 2. Gambhari 3. Guggulu 4. Guduchi
75. Sramsi is the synonym of ……………
1. Narikela 2. Nirundi 3. Peelu 4. Prishniparni
76. Kustavairi is the synonym of ……………
1. Tagara 2. Tuvaraka 3. Trivrit 4. Tulasi
77. Family of Shankhapushpi ……………
1. Achanthaceae 2. Convolvulacaea 3. Liliaceae 4. Moringaceae
78. Sulabha is the synonym of ……………
1. Tagara 2. Tuvaraka 3. Trivrit 4. Tulasi
79. Kadamba is the synonym of ……………
1. Swadaparni 2. Shigru 3. Sudarshana 4. Halimitra
80. Guha is the synonym of ……………
1. Nimba 2. Patha 3. Prishniparni 4. Patala
81. Kutila is the synonym of ……………
1. Tagara 2. Tuvaraka 3. Trivrit 4. Tulasi
82. Family of Shigru ……………
1. Achanthaceae 2. Convolvulacaea 3. Liliaceae 4. Moringaceae
83. Tapaswini is the synonym of ……………
1. Chakramarda 2. Chandana 3. Jatamamsi 4. Jyotishmati
84. Piluphala is the synonym of ……………
1. Nimba 2. Patha 3. Prishniparni 4. Patala
85. Family of Pilu ……………
1. Salvodaraceae 2. Nyctaginaceae
3. Leguminosae 4. Bignoniaceae
86. Krishnaa is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
87. Malayaja and Bhadrashree is the synonym of ……………
1. Chakramarda 2. Chandana 3. Jatamamsi 4. Jyotishmati
88. Dugdhika is the synonym of ……………
1. Swadaparni 2. Shigru 3. Sudarshana 4. Halimitra
89. Upakulya is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
90. Gadahapuranaa is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
91. Margosa tree is the synonym of ……………
1. Nimba 2. Patha 3. Prishniparni 4. Patala
92. Akshiva is the synonym of ……………
1. Swadaparni 2. Shigru 3. Sudarshana 4. Halimitra
93. Family of Patala ……………
1. Salvodaraceae 2. Nyctaginaceae
3. Leguminosae 4. Bignoniaceae
94. Shoundi is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
95. Ambastha is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
96. Piluphala is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
97. Family of Prishniparni ……………
1. Salvodaraceae 2. Nyctaginaceae
3. Leguminosae 4. Bignoniaceae
98. Aviddhakarni is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
99. Varatikaa is the synonym of ……………
1. Pippalai 2. Pilu 3. Punarnava 4. Patha
100. Family of Punarnava ……………
1. Salvodaraceae 2. Nyctaginaceae
3. Leguminosae 4. Bignoniaceae