औपधेनवमौरभ्रं सौश्रुतं पौष्कलावतम् |
शेषाणां शल्यतन्त्राणां मूलान्येतानि निर्दिशेत् ||९|| Su. Su. 4
Word meaning:
औपधेनवमौरभ्रं = औपधेनव औरभ्रं
सौश्रुतं = सौश्रुतं
पौष्कलावतम्= पौष्कलावतम्
शेषाणां = others
शल्यतन्त्राणां = in shalyatantra
मूलान्येतानि = मूलानि- root, basic, main, reference, एतानि- these
निर्दिशेत्- recommended
Shloka meaning:
The references books recommended for Shalyatantra among the others are Aupuadhenava, Aurabhra, Soushruta & Poushkalavata. But the painful thing is they are not available now.
Discussion & Conclusion:
Noteworthy reference books for Shalyatantra include Aupuadhenava, Aurabhra, Soushruta, and Poushkalavata. These texts are highly respected for their extensive knowledge and insights in the field, as approved by Sushruta. They have been invaluable resources for students, researchers, and practitioners, offering a wealth of information on various aspects of Shalyatantra.
However, it is unfortunate to note that these books are currently out of reach. This presents a difficulty for those interested in delving deeper into the subject or conducting further research in the field. It is also important to acknowledge that the current Sushruta samhita may differ from the Soushruta samhita. Additionally, other samhitas such as Gopurarakshita, Vairatana, and Karaveerya are also unavailable.