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Dr. Gujar Brothers

MCQs of the Day 23-06-2021 by Dr. R. S. Gujar., & Dr. M. S. Gujar.


1] __________ is not the quality of Mutra in General

1. उष्णं

2. तीक्ष्ण

3. रूक्षं

4. None of the above

2] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. उत्सादने

2. आलेपनेषु

3. आस्थापने

4. None of the above

3] __________ is not the Rasa of Mutra in General

1. कटुकं

2. लवण

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

4] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. विरेचने

2. स्वेदेष्वपि

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

5] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. आनाह

2. अगदेषु

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

6] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. उदर

2. अर्शः

3. गुल्मि

4. None of the above

7] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. कुष्ठि

2. किलास

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

8] __________ is not the quality of Mutra in General

1. उपनाहेषु

2. परिषेक

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

9] __________ is not the quality of Mutra in General

1. दीपनीयं

2. विषघ्नं

3. क्रिमिघ्नं

4. None of the above

10] __________ is not the indication for usage of Mutra

1. पाण्डुरोग

2. मारुतं चानुलोमयेत्

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of the above

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