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MCQs Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana 9th to 12th Adhyaya

Dr. Gujar Brothers

1. 1. _______ diseases should be treated by doctor acc. to Sushruta

1. Saadhya 2. Yaapya 3. Assadhya 4. Both 1 & 2

2. Kshara is having the property to mitigate all the tridoshas because of ………… of Kshara, acc. to Sushruta

1. Shuklatvaat 2. Aagneyoushadhigunabhuyishtatvaat

3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 1

3. Which of the following is not true acc. to Sushruta

1. Shastranushastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanaha

2. Shastranushastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanatamaha

3. Shastranushastrebhyoho ksharaha pradhanaha

4. Shastranushastrebhyoho ksharaha pradhanatamaha

4. Angamarda is seen in …………. Dagdha by Kshara acc. to Sushruta.

1. Ati 2. Samyak 3. Hina 4. Both 1 and 2

5. ……… should be done in Ushnavataaatapa dagdha(Heat stroke) acc. to Sushruta

1. Sheeta kriya 2. Snigdha, Ushna kriya

3. Asadhya 4. Sneha, abhyanaga, parisheka and pradeha

6. Suchi yantra is used for …………. Acc. to Sushruta

1. None of the below 2. Vyadhana 3. Visravana 4. Both 2 & 3

7. a. Chedya bhedya lekhya karanat,

b. Tridoshaghnatwaat,

c. Vishesha kriya avachanaraat,

All these above mentioned three points show that, …………….. in regard with Kshara is correct, acc.. to Sushruta.

1. Shastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanaha

2. Shastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanatamaha

3. Shastranushastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanaha

4. Shastranushastrebhyo ksharaha pradhanatamaha

8. Length of Vriddhipatra………… angula

1. 5 2. 6 3. 7 4. 8

9. “Stribhihi sahasyam samvasyam parihasyam cha varjayet|

Dattamcha taabhyo naadeyamnna bhishakvaraihi ”

Is ref. from ………… chapter of Su.Su.acc. to Sushruta

1. 2nd 2. 3rd 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 10th

10. Which among the following is not the karma of Kshara acc. to Sushruta?

1. Ushna teekshana 2. Pachano vilayanaha

3. Soumyaha 4. Pumstwasya upahanta

11. The word meaning of kshanana in the definition of Kshara acc. to Sushruta is related with ………..

1. Cutting 2. Scrapping 3. Violence 4. Killing

12. Upakusha can be treated by …………Kshara acc. to Sushruta

1. Paaniya 2. Pratisaaraneeya 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 2

13. ………. Types of …….. has been mentioned as last drug of choice in the preparation of kshara acc. to Sushruta

1. 4 & Gunja 2. 2 & Paribhadra 3. 4 & Kutaja 4.4 & Koshataki

14. “Tat cha itara ksharavat daghva parisravayet” (Su.Su. 11).

w.r.t. the above verse, “itara” is the word, related with ………… acc. to Sushruta

1. Paaniya kshara 2. Pratisaaraneya kshara 3. Both 4. None

15. Vaidya Should reject ________ years chronic diseases for the management, acc. to Sushruta.

1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 5

16. “Suchirguruparo dakshastandranidravivarjitaha|

Pathannetena vidhina shishyaha shastraanmaapnuyaat||

is ref. from ………… chapter and ………… verse of Su.Su. acc. to Sushruta respectively.

1. 10th 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 4th

17. ………. Detailed explanation of paaniya Kshara is there in ………. Adhyaya of Ssusruta Samhita.

1. Udaraadhyaya 2. Ashmari vidhi 3. Gulmavidhi 4. Both 1 & 3

18. Anasrava is seen in …………. Dagdha by Kshara acc. to Sushruta.

1. Ati 2. Samyak 3. Hina 4. Both 1 and 2

19. Addition of hingu as prativapa will make ……. kshara acc. to Sushruta

1. Teekshna 2. Madhya 3. Mrudu 4. None

20. Quantity of ksharajala to be separated out during the pratisaaraniya ksharapreartion is …….. kudava acc. to Sushruta.

1. 1 2. 2 3. 1.5 4. Both 1 & 2

21. श्लक्ष्ण pariksha can be done by _______ indriya acc. to Sushruta

1. Sparshanendriya 2. Chakshurindriya 3. Rasanendriya 4. Ghranendriya

22. ……… should be done in Sheetavarshanila dagdha(Frost stroke) acc. to Sushruta

1. Sheeta kriya 2.Snigdha, Ushna kriya

3. Asadhya 4. Sneha, abhyanaga, parisheka and pradeha

23. Kapotavarnata is seen in …………… dagdha Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana

1. Mamsa 2. Twak 3. Sirasnayau 4. Asthisandhi

24. Bhru, lalata and shankha pradesha agnikarma is done in ……….. vyadhi acc. to Sushruta

1. Shiroroga 2. Adhimantha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 1

25. Vyadhivriddhi is seen in …………. Dagdha by Kshara acc. to Sushruta.

1. Ati 2. Samyak 3. Hina 4. Both 1 and 2

26. …… should be given to patient before agnikarma Acc. to Sushruta

1. Pichilla annapaana 2. Pichilla anna 3. Yavagu paana 4. Snigdha anna

27. …… should be given to patient before agni of dhoomopahata Acc. to Sushruta

1. Pichilla annapaana 2. Pichilla anna 3. Yavagu paana 4. Snigdha anna

28. Yogya vidhi is explained for _________ karmas

1. Snehadi 2. Chedyadi 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Nome of the above

29. Pushpaphala is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Chedana 2. Bhedana 3. Lekhana 4. Vyadhana

30. Aayu pariksha can be done by _______ indriya acc. to Sushruta

1. Sparshanendriya 2. Chakshurindriya 3. Rasanendriya 4. Ghranendriya

31. ________ Matra kaala should be the time gap after the application of Kshara ove the diseased site acc. to Sushruta.

1. 10 2. 100 3. 1000 4. None of the above

32. Ervaruka is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Chedana 2. Bhedana 3. Lekhana 4. Vyadhana

33. ________ should be carried by vaidya, as said by Sushruta.

1. Danta 2. Chatra 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 1

34. _________ pariksha is the contribution of Sushruta

1. Trividha 2. Dashavidha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Shadvidha

35. Utpala naala is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Chedana 2. Bhedana 3. Lekhana 4. Vyadhana

36. Samvyuhima is the word related with ________ acc. to Sushruta

1. Kshara 2. Mridu Kshara 3. Tikshana Agnikarma 4. None

37. Shiva is means _______ in the Gunas of Kshara acc. to Sushruta in Ksharakarma vidhi Adhyaya

1. Shweta 2. Krishna 3. Devinity 4. Soumya

38. Total number of Kshara Gunas acc. to Suhruta

1. 5 2. 8 3. 10 4. Both 1 & 2

39. Nala & Naali is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Eshana 2. Aaharana 3. Visravana 4. Sivana

40. The medical practitioners will have to get the permission from _______, as said by the Sushruta

1. Brahmana 2. Kshatriya 3. Raja 4. Maata & Pita

41. _______ colored dress is used by the vaidya when he is a practicing doctor

1. Red 2. Blue 3. Black 4. White

42. Kalindaka is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Chedana 2. Bhedana 3. Lekhana 4. Vyadhana

43. Utpalaaala is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Karnabandhana 2. Eshanan 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above

44. Picchilata is frelated with _______ of Kshara

1. Guna 2. Dosha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

45. Alabu Mukha is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Netrapranidana 2. Chedada 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above

46. Bala pariksha can be done by _______ indriya acc. to Sushruta

1. Chakshurindriya 2. Prashna 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sparshanendriya

47. Bilva is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Eshana 2. Aaharana 3. Visravana 4. Sivana

48. Shalmali Phalaka is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Eshana 2. Aaharana 3. Visravana 4. Sivana

49. Kalindaka is used for ________ karma in Yogya Vidhi

1. Chedana 2. Apakartana 3. Utkartana 4. All of the above

50. Taalaphalavarna is seen in …………… agnikarma acc. to Sushruta

1. Samyak 2. Plusta 3. Ati 4. Durdagdha


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