1. The scientific escription of Bhaishajya Kalpana is present in ………….. Samhita
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Vagbhata 4. Sharangadhara
2. According to Sarngadhara the cornea is potent upto:
(a)2 months
(b) 4 months
(c) 6 months
(d) 8 months
3. The systematic and science description of Bhaishajya kalpana is
Found in
(a)Charaka samhita
(b) Astanga samgraha
(c) Sushruta samhita
(d) Yogratnakara
4. Sushruta has described how many kasaya kalpana:
(a) 5
(c) 7
(b) 6
(d) 4
5. Which drug should be taken as old as possible:
(a) Pippali
(c) Shatavari
(c) Gudüci
(d) Vasa
6. Bhanupaka and Sthalipaka have been described by:
(a) Caraka
(b) Vägbhata
(c) Sushruta
(d) All of the above
7. The potency period of ghrita and taila preparation is
(a) 2 months
(b) 6 months
(c) 4 months
(d) I year
8. The synonym of niskas :
(a) Dhanyaka
(b) Sana
(c) Hema
(d) Yava
9. One niska is equal to (according to Caraka):
(a) 3 masa
(b) 5 masa
(b) 4 maka
(d) 6 masa
10. Panitala is:
(a) Pala
(c) Suku
(b) Kola
(d) Karya
11. The synonym of 'pala' is:
(a) Prakunca
(b) Bilva
(c) Must
(d) All of the above
12. The smallest unit of 'Mana’ is:
(a) Dhvamsi
(b) Vamsi
(c) Paramanu
(d) Marici
13. One anjali is equal to :
(a) Kudava
(b) I Prastha
(c) 1 Karsa
(d) 1 Pala
14. If the potency (veerya) of the drug is in the parthiva and jaliyamsa then the drug should be taken as:
(a) Svarasa
(c) Kvatha
(b) Kalka
(d) Corna
15. By the mixed fermentation of sura and asava the madya produced is
called as :
(a) Sidhu
(b) Maireyaka
(c) Vâruni
(d) Vakkasa
16. Which of the following kalpana is not suitable for volatile drugs?
(a) Svarasa
(c) Kvätha
(b) Arka
(d) Hima
17. The wet herbs in comparison of dry herbs should be taken as in
(a) Same quantity
(b) Doubled
(c) Half of dry herb
(d) Tripled
18. Niryüha is the synonym of :
(a) Kvätha
(b) Phanta
(c) Hima
(d) None of the above
19. The juice of which plant is extracted by putapāka method :
(a) Vasa
(c) Sankhapuspi
(b) Gudüci
(d) Durvä
20. The general dose of svarasa is :
(a) Tola
(b) 4 Tola
(c) 2 Tola
(d)1/2 Tolä
21. The amount of praksepa dravya in svarasa is :
(a) Same as svaresa
(c) 1/4th of svarasa
(b) ½ of svarasa
(d) Double of svarasa
22. The test for tailapāka is :
(a) Pheasant
(b) Phenodgama
(c) Appsumajjana
(d) Tantumat
23. The madya produced from kharjūra is :
(a) Sidhu
(b) Varuni
(c) Surasava
(d) Jagala
24. The synonym of cürnais
(a) Praksepa
(b) Raja
(c) Aväpa
(d) All of the above
25. The normal dose of kalka is
(a) I tola
(c) tola
(b) 2 tola
(d) 1 masa
26. Akse is the synonym of:
(a) Kola
(b) Pala
(c) Karsa
(d) Sukti
27. The measurement of kudava pot in angula) is :
(a) 3x3x3
(b) 4x4x4
(c) 3x3x4
(d) 4x4x6
28. By uniting 8 yavas in center, the measurement got is called :
(a) Vitasti
(b) Aratni
(c) Angula
(d) Vyoma
29. The amount of honey for praksepa in kalka should be :
(a) ½ of kalka
(b) Double of kalka
(c) Same as kalka
(d) Triple of kalka
30. In sneha preparation, the amount of sneha in comparison of kalka
should be:
(a) 2 times
(c) 6 times
(b) 4 times
(d) 8 times
31. Phenashanti is the test for :
(a) Taila paka
(b) Ghrta paka
(c) Kşirapāka
(d) All of the above
32. Medaka' is :
(a) The uppermost clean part of sura
(b) The lowermost portion of surä
(c) The alcohol produced from cane juice
(d) A type of decoction
33. According to Charaka, the inrdupäka sneha is used for
(a) Nasya
(b) Massage
(c) Drinking
(d) Vasti
34. The amount of sugar in gutika preparation should be :
(a) 2 times
(b) 4 times
(c) 3 times
(d) 6 times
35. The normal dose of Avaleha is :
(a) Prakuñca
(b) Pānitala
(c) Sama
(d) Kola
36. The test for Avaleha is :
(a) Tantrum
(b) Gandhavarna-rasodbhava
(c) Apsumajjana
(d) All of the above
37. Tandulodaka comes under which preparation :
(a) Svarasa
(b) Hima
(c) Kalka
(d) Phanta
38. The amount of water in Läkşärasa preparation is:
(a) 2 times
(b) 6 times
(c) 4 times
(d) 8 times
39. Pramathyä belongs to which kalpanä :
(a) Svarasa
(b) Kvätha
(c) Kalka
(d) Hima
40. In vätaroga, the amount of liquid as anupāna of cūrna should be:
(a) One pala
(c) 3 pala
(b) Two pala
(d) 4 pala
41. The normal dose of Kvatha is:
(a) I Karşa
(b) 2 Karşa
(c) I pala
(d) 2 pala
42. Pramathya is used for
(a) Dipana
(b) Pacana
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Stambhana
43. The amount of water required for the preparation of decoction of
hard drugs should be :
(a) 4 times
(b). 6 times
(c) 8 times
(d) 16 times
44. The amount of honey as praksepa in decoction, in kaphaja roga should
be :
(a) 1/16th part
(b) ½ part
(c) 1/4th part
(d) 1/8th part
45. The amount of milk, guda and ghrta etc. as praksepa in kvätha (de-
coction) should be :
(a) 1 Tola
(b) 2 Tolă
(c) 3 Tola
(d) Tola
46. The dose of Pramathya is:
(a) 1-2 karsha
(b) 1-2 pala
(c) 2-4 pala
(d) 2-4 karşa
47. The ratio of drug, milk and water in ksirapāka preparation is respectively:
(a) 1:4:16
(b) 1:4:8
(c) 1:8:16
(d) 1:8:32
48. The normal dose of Hima is:
(a) Karşa
(b) 1 pala
(b) 1 Karşa
(c) + pala
49. 'Tandulodaka' is used in:
(a) Vatavyädhi
(b) Sutika jwara
(c) Atisära
(d) Pradara
50. Avāpa is :
(a) Svarasa
(b) Arka
(c) Bhavana
(d) Kalka