PRASUTI AVUM STRI ROGA (Gynecology & obstetrics) PAPER-II Theory- 100 marks PART A 50 marks 1. Concept of Tridosha, Dhatu, Upadhatu, Agni, Pancha Mahabhuta in relation to Prasuti and Stri Roga. 2. Conceptof Artava and Shukra. 3. Conceptof Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipak and Karma of Dravya used in Prasuti and Stri Roga. 4. Actionand adverse drug reaction relatedto commonly used plants and Rasa Aushadhiin Prasuti and Stri Roga. 5. Conceptof Pathya- Apathyain relation to Prasuti and Stri Roga. 6. Conceptof Garbhadhan and Garbha. 7. Conceptof Vrana and Vrana dushti.
8. Conceptof special therapies of Ayurved used in Prasutiand Stri Roga.
9. Concept of Ashtavidha ShastraKarma, Yantra & shastra used in Prasuti and Stri Roga
PRACTICAL 100 marks
1. Applied anatomy and physiology of genito-urinary system, abdomen,pelvis, pelvic floor,anterior abdominal wall,inguinal ligament, inguinal canal, vulva, rectum and anal canal.
2. Abnormal development, structure and function of female and male urogenital systems
3. Development, structure and function of placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid.
4. Physiological and neuro-endocrinal changes during puberty, adolescence and menstruation.
5. Introduction of hormones related with gynaecology and obstetrics. Ovulation, fertilization, climacteric and menopause. Biophysical and biochemical changes in uterus and cervix during pregnancy and labour.
6. Pre-natal, Natal and Post natal counseling and examination.
7. Pharmacological study of drugs used in gynaecology and obstetrics.
8. Knowledge of diagnostic techniques used in gynaecology and obstetrics.
9. Basic Knowledge of pathological and biochemical investigation used in gynaecology and obstetrics.
10. Ethics, law and Acts Related to gynaecology and obstetrics – laws of abortion and adoption.
11. Knowledge of contraception and sterilization procedures.
12. Pre-operative and post operative care in gynaecology and obstetrics.
PRACTICAL 100 marks
1. Hospital duties in OPD, IPD, labor room, OT and casualty
2. History taking and counseling - 25 cases.
3. Labor cases - observation/performing - 10 cases
4. Knowledge of instruments required in gynaecology and obstetric practices.
5. Ayurvedic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
6. Fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
7. Contraception and sterilizations.
8. Pre-operative, operative and post operative procedures.
Distribution of marks (Practical) 1. Case records of Patients in Detail (25 Cases) - 20 Marks
2. Bedside clinical case taking
Long case - 20 Marks
Short case - 10 Marks
1. Procedures - 15 Marks
2. Identification of instruments, X-ray etc & Spotting - 15 Marks
3. Viva - voce - 20 Marks
1. Related matter from all the samhitas and their commentaries.
2. Prasutitantra evum stree roga by prof Tewari P V
3. Concepts of gynecology Dr Nirmala G Joshi.
4. Prasuti Tantra Prof. M. Dwivedi
5. Streeroga vigyan - Dr VNK Usha
6. Navyaprasuti Vigyan Dr Pooja Bharadwaja
7. Text book of gynaecology-Berek and Novak.
8. Text book of obstetrics- Williums
9. Text book of obstetrics- D C Dutta
10. Text book of gynaecology - D C Dutta
11. Gabbe’s normal and problem pregnancies.
12. Human embryology by Saddler.
13. Jeffcoat’s principles of gynaecology
14. Te linde’s gynaecological surgery.