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Shloka of the day...16-09-2021_Contraindications of Rakamokshana bu Sushruta.




Words meaning:

तस्मान्न- तस्मात्= Therefore + न= not

शीते= Cold

नात्युष्णे- न=not + आति=excess + उष्णे= Hot

नास्विन्ने= न=not + अस्विन्ने= without fomentation

नातितापिते= न= not + आति= excess + तापिते= Heated

यवागूं= rice-gruel

प्रति= before

पीतस्य= drunk's

शोणितं= Blood

मोक्षयेद्भिषक्- मोक्षयेत्= letting has to be done + भिषक्= Doctor

Meaning of the Shloka:

Doctor should not do the Blood letting in these conditions/ situations,

  1. Cold climate

  2. Excess Hot climate

  3. Without fomentation

  4. Excessively Heated/ Heat injury/ Heat Stroke/ Sun stroke

  5. Without drinking the rice-gruel

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