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Shloka of the Day...18-01-2022 _ Shuddha Vrana Lakshana (Clean Wound/ Tidy wound) by Sushruta.



अवेदनोनिरास्रावोव्रणःशुद्धइहोच्यते|| Su. Su. 23/18

Words meaning:

त्रिभिः - three

दोषैः - through doshas

अनाक्रान्तः - not assailed or attacked

श्याव - brown/ dark colored

ओष्ठः - lip/ edges

पिडकी - boils/ sprouts

समः - equal/ same

अवेदनो - painless

निरास्रावो - not having discharge

व्रणः - wound

शुद्ध - Clean

इहोच्यते - said like this

Shloka meaning:

Following are the qualities of the Shuddha Vrana (Clean/ Tidy wound)

  1. free from the vitiation of three doshas

  2. brown/ dark colored edges

  3. equal healthy granulation/ sprouts of tissues

  4. less pain/ not having the pain

  5. not having discharge

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