ततोऽनन्तरमाचार्यंपरीक्षेत;तद्यथा-पर्यवदातश्रुतंपरिदृष्टकर्माणंदक्षंदक्षिणंशुचिंजितहस्तमुपकरणवन्तंसर्वेन्द्रियोपपन्नंप्रकृतिज्ञंप्रतिपत्तिज्ञमनुपस्कृतविद्यमनहङ्कृतमनसूयकमकोपनं क्लेशक्षमंशिष्यवत्सलमध्यापकंज्ञापनसमर्थंचेति|
एवङ्गुणोह्याचार्यःसुक्षेत्रमार्तवोमेघइवशस्यगुणैःसुशिष्यमाशुवैद्यगुणैःसम्पादयति|| Ch.Vi.8/4.
Words Meaning:
ऽनन्तरमाचार्यं- Anantaram=After this + Aacharya=Preceptor/teacher/sir/madam
परीक्षेत- Examine/test
तद्यथा- for example/for instance
पर्यवदातश्रुतं- perfectly skilled in art/science
परिदृष्टकर्माणं- having much practical experience
दक्षं- prompt/clever
दक्षिणं- Right/correct
शुचिं- clean/virtuous
जितहस्तमुपकरणवन्तं-Jitahastam = skillful hands/ skillful in treating the patients/ skillful in teaching + upakaranavantam- furnished with means or instruments or implements or drugs or facilities required to teach
सर्वेन्द्रियोपपन्नं- having all the senses
प्रकृतिज्ञं- know the constitution of the patients/students
Pratipattijnam = know to rule + Anupaskritavidyam= genuine knowledge/ being clear in concepts without any confusion + Anasuyaka= not spiteful/envious + Akopanam- not irascible/ not to become angry easily
क्लेशक्षमं- Kleshakshama=capable of enduring pain and trouble
शिष्यवत्सलमध्यापकं- loving/kind/affectionate towards the students
ज्ञापनसमर्थं- Jnapana=suggesting/hint, Samartha=competent/ efficient
एवङ्गुणोह्याचार्यः- Evam= like this + Guno= Qualities + Hi=Surely/ indeed + Aacharya- teacher/ preceptor
सुक्षेत्रमार्तवोमेघ- Sukshetra=excellent/ fertile field + Aartavo= flower/menses/crops + Megha= water/ cloud
इव- as if/ like
शस्यगुणैः- Shashya = excellent/desirable + gumaihi = qualities
सुशिष्यमाशु - Su=good, Shishya = Disciple/ student + Aashu= quickly
वैद्यगुणैः- Qualities of Doctor
सम्पादयति- accomplish
Shloka meaning:
Then after selecting a the medical field, Examination or search for the good teacher will be done by following point, such as:
1. Perfectly skilled in art/science
2. Having much practical experience
3. Prompt/clever
4. Right/correct
5. Clean/virtuous
6. skillful hands/ skillful in treating the patients/ skillful in teaching
7. Furnished with means or instruments or implements or drugs or facilities required to teach
8. Having all the senses
9. Know the constitution of the patients/students
10. Know to rule
11. Genuine knowledge/ being clear in concepts without any confusion
12. Not spiteful/envious
13. Not irascible/ not to become angry easily
14. Capable of enduring pain and trouble
15. Loving/kind/affectionate towards the students
16. Suggesting/hint
17. Competent/ efficient
The teacher who is having all these qualities will surely accomplish the excellent desirable qualities of the ideal doctor very quickly to his disciples/students as the water of the seasonal clouds will nurture the flowers / crops in the fertile land.