गुरुशुश्रूषया विद्या पुष्कलेन धनेन वा |
अथवा विद्यया विद्या चतुर्थो न उपलभ्यते ||
Words Meaning:
गुरु - guru- spiritual teacher/ teacher
शुश्रूषया – by the service of
विद्या - knowledge
पुष्कलेन्- more/ abundant/ huge
धनेन - with money
वा- or
अथवा - or
विद्यया- through knowledge
विद्या- knowledge
चतुर्थो - fourth
न - no/ not
उपलभ्यते- available
Meaning of Subhashita:
Knowledge can be achieved only through these three ways, there is no fourth option to gain the knowledge, those are-
By serving Guru, or
By spending more money / wealth), or
Knowledge in exchange of Knowledge (through healthy discussions).