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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Subhashita of the day 14-9-21 Knowledge/ Hunger/ Lust/ Wealth


विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा |

क्षुधातुराणां न वपुर्न तेजः ||

कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा |

अर्थातुराणां न सुह्रुन्न बन्धुः ||

Words Meaning:

विद्यातुराणां- विद्या= Knowledge+ आतुराणां = Desirous of/ afflicted with

न = no

सुखं = Happiness

न = No

निद्रा = Sleep

क्षुधा = Hunger

आतुराणां = Desirous of/ afflicted with

न = no

वपुर्न- वपुः=body/ physique

न = no

तेजः= glow

कामातुराणां- काम= lust/ sex + आतुराणां = desirous of/ afflicted with

न = no

भयं = Fear

न = no

लज्जा = Shame/ shy

अर्थातुराणां- अर्थ = Money/ wealth + आतुराणां = desirous of/ afflicted with

= no

सुह्रुन्न- सुह्रुत्= friend + न= no

बन्धुः = relatives/ friends

Meaning of Subhashita:

1. The one who is desirous of knowledge will neither have happiness nor the sleep.

2. The one who is afflicted with Hunger will neither have good physique nor the glow.

3. The one who is desirous of sex/lust will neither have fear nor the Shame/shy.

4. The one Who is desirous of Money/ Wealth will neither have any friends nor do they keep in touch with their relatives.

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