1. Which of the following rushi’s name is not mentioned as Shishyas of Bhagavan Dhanvantari, in the first adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita, Sutrasthana.
1. Gopurarakshita 2. Ourabra 3. Kankayana 4. Karaveerya
2. Shareera upachaya apachaya is related with ……… indriya pariksha Acc. to Sushruta
1. Chakshu 2. Ghrana 3. Rasana 4. Both 1 & 3
3. Srotogata shalyoddharanartham is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. Swasthika 2. Samdamsha 3. Taala 4. Shalaka
4. Total no. of Shastrakarmas explaind by Charaka ………..
1. 8 2. 14 3. 12 4. 6
5. Ankushavadanani are related with …………. Ac. To Sushruta
1. 8 2. 5 3. 6 4. 3
6. Adhisthana of Vyadhi acc. to Sushruta is ………
1. Shareera 2. Mana 3. Atma 4. Both 1 & 2 5. All of the above
7. Eraruka is related with ………. yogya acc. to Sushruta
1. Bhedana 2. Chedana 3. Visravana 4. None
8. Punnagaha pushpita is related with ………. Acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemantha 2. Vasanta 3. Greeshma 4. Pravrut
9. Asthi chedana is related with ………. payana acc. to Sushruta
1. Taila 2. Kshara 3. Udaka 4. None
10. Harsha is considered as ………… acc. to Sushruta
1. Disease 2. Manasika vyadhi 3. Shareerottejaka 4. All of the above
11. Sarpa are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Oudbija
12. Shastra sampat is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. 6 2. 8 3. 10 4. 12
13. Which among the following is not the sangnya given to Bhutagrama?
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Sedaja 4. Oudbhija
14. Yatha Kharaschandana bhaara vaahi is ref. from ………… chapter of Su.Su.acc. to Sushruta
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 4th
15. ……… related with pradosha acc. to Sushruta
1. Varshikam 2. Pravrusha 3. Greeshma 4. Vasanta
16. Referance of Ayurveda as the upanga of Atharvaveda in Sushruta samhita is……… Adhyaya of sutrasthana
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 4th
17. Which one of the following is not the shastrakarma explained by Sushruta in Astavidhashastrakarma?
1. Visravana 2. Vyadhana 3. Prachanna 4. Eshana
18. In Shishira the dressings should be changed after the period of ……….. days acc. to Sushruta
1. 3 2. 2 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
19. Astangas of Ayurveda were explained by said by ………… acc. to Astanga Sangraha
1. Agniveshaadi 2. Dhanvantari 3. Brahma 4. Ashwinikumaras
20. “Oupadhenevamourabram soushrutam poushkalavatam;
Sheshanaam Shalyatantranam moolanyetani nirdishet”;;
is ref. from ………… chapter of Su.Su.acc. to Sushruta
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 4th
21. Varnabheda is related with oja………. acc. to Sushruta
1. Kshaya 2. Vyapat 3. Visramsa 4. None
22. Kimshuka pushpita is related with ………. Acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemantha 2. Vasanta 3. Greeshma 4. Pravrut
23. Shareerika Vyadhis are because of ……………. acc. to Sushruta.
1. Vata 2. VataPitta 3. Kaphavatapitta 4. Vatapittashonitakapha
24. Ayurveda is considered as the Upaveda of ……….. acc. to Vyasakrita Charanavyuha and Shankarokta Ayuveda Granthas,
1. Rigveda 2. Yajurveda 3. Saamaveda 4. Atharveda
25. Which among the following is true in case of the following acc. to Sushruta
1. Vyadhyupasrustanam vyadhi parimokshaha
2. Sswasthasya swastha rakshanam aaturasya vikaraprashamanam
3. Swasthasya swastha rakshanam
4. Both 1 & 3
5. Only 3rd
26. Uttarottara balam abhivardhate is related with ,,,,,,,,,,,, acc. to Sushruta
1. Uttarayana 2. Dakshinayana 3. None 4. Both 1 & 2
27. Samadosha samagnischa……… ref. Su.Su. 1……….
1. 5/40 2. 5/41 3. 3/64 4. 2/22
28. Pravrit is elated with ………… masas acc. to Sushruta
1. Aashadha-Jyestha 2. Ashadha-Shravana
3. Both 1 & 2 4. Vaishakha-Ashadha
29. Astangas of Ayurveda were explained by said by ………… acc. to Sushruta
1. Agniveshaadi 2. Dhanvantari 3. Brahma 4. Ashwinikumaras
30. Koumarabrutya is placed in ……… position acc. to Sushruta in Ayurveda Astangas.
1. 2nd 2. 3rd 3. 4th 4. 5th
31. Suchishukrav is related with …………. ritu acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemanta 2. Varsha 3. Sharat 4. Greeshma
32. Ideal day to open the dressing after the surgery is ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. Both 1 & 2
33. …………… is considered as Shalya acc. to Dalhana.
1. Doshas 2. Mala 3. Badhakaram Shareere 4. Only 1
34. Kinchiduttanena is related with ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Kutharika 2. Vriddhipatra 3. Trikurchaka 4. None
35. “Tatra Shalyam naama vividha trina kasta pashana loha loshtrasthi balanakha pooyasrava dusta vruna antargarbha…………..”;;
is ref. from ………… chapter and ………… verse of Su.Su. acc. to Sushruta respectively.
1. 1st & 7th 2. 1st & 7th / 1st 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 1st & 6th
36. ………. Angula is the length of kartari acc. to Sushruta
1. 6 2. 8 3. 10 4. 12
37. ……. Kasta is equal to one kala Acc. to Sushruta
1. 10 2. 20 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 30
38. Oshadhayaha is related with ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Ahara 2. Dravya 3. Both 4. None
39. Shalyaharana pradhana tantram shalyatantram is said by …………
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Chakrapani 4. Dalhana
40. Parisamvatsarottita vyadhi is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. Naivopakramet 2. Varjayet 3. None 4. Both 1 & 2
41. Sthavara & Jangama are related with ……. acc. to Sushruta
1. Dwividha Oshadha 2. Dwividha Dravya 3. Both 4. None
42. Dravadravya vishesha vignyaniya adhyaya is …………. Chapter of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana
1. 40th 2. 41th 3. 42th 4. 43rd
43. Total no. of Vranagunas acc. to Sushruta
1. 5 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2 or 1
44. Prabhashaneeyam is …………. Chapter of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana
1. 3rd 2. 4th 3. 17th 4. None
45. Mamsa is related with ………. payana acc. to Sushruta
Taila 2. Kshara 3. Udaka 4. None
46. ………. is the Ayurveda prayojana acc. to Sushruta
1. Swasthasya Rakshanam & Aturasya vikaraprashamanam
2. Swasthasya Rakshanam & Vyadhyupasrustanam vyadhi parimokshaha
3. Vyadhyupasrustanam vyadhi parimokshaha & Swasthasya Rakshanam
4. Aturasya vikaraprashamanam & Swasthasya Rakshanam
47. …… Kasta is equal to one Kala Acc. to Sushruta
1. 10 2. 20 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 30
48. Bhutagrama is related with ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Samswedaja, Jarayuja, Andaja and Oudbhida
2. Swedaja, Jarayuja, Andaja and Oudbhida
3. Jarayuja, Andaja, Oudbhida and Samswedaja
4. Samswedaja, Andaja, Jarayuja and Oudbhida
49. …………. is not the one among the Chaturvidha vyadhi acc. to Sushruta, sutrasthana 1st adhyaya
1. Agantavo, Shareera, Manasa, and Swbhavavikara
2. Agantavo, Shareera, Manasa, and Doshaja
3. Agantavo, Shareera, Manasa, and Sandhanakara
4. Agantavo, Shareera, Manasa, and Shakhagata
50. Karna, naasa, naadi shalyoddharanartham is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
Swasthika 2. Samdamsha 3. Taala 4. Shalaka
51. Mamsa is related with ………. payana acc. to Sushruta
Taila 2. Kshara 3. Udaka 4. None
52. Sarisrupa are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Udbija
53. ……. Kala and …… kasta is equal to one muhurta Acc. to Sushruta
1. 10 & 10 2. 20 & 3 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 30 & 20
54. Phalapushpavanto ……….. acc. to Sushruta
Vanaspati 2. Vanaspatya 3. Vruksha 4. Oshadha
55. Koumarabhrutya and Bhutavidya are explained in ……….. by Sushruta
1. Sutrasthana 2. Chikitsasthana 3. Uttaratantra 4. Both 1 & 2
56. All among the following is false except …….. w.r.t. Kaala acc. to Sushruta
1. Sa sookshmam api kalam ma leeyata iti kaalaha
2. Sankaalayati kaalayati kaalayati va bhootan iti kaalaha
3. Kaalo hi naama Bhagavati
4. Kaalo hi naama Swayambhu
57. No. of Pramanas acc. to Sushruta
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4
58. …………is not the laxana of Surgeon acc. to Sushruta
1. Shoucham 2. Aashukriya 3. Shastrataikshyanyam 4. Avyapathu
59. ……….. reduces surgical pain acc. to Sushruta
1. Yasthimadhu Gritha 2. Snajeevini Gritha
3. Avapeedaka Nasya 4. Both 1 & 3
60. Which of the following is false acc. to Sushruta?
1. Kartikamargashiraou Sharat
2. Vaishakhajyesta Greeshma
3. Rasabheda, Swasthavritta, Yuktayukta & Doshabheda are called as tantrabhushana
4. Maghaphalguna Hemanta
61. Rajarha vaidya is related with …….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Adhyanaya of Samhita(Sushruta)
2. Karmabhyasa should be there
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Vranashotha jnana yukta vaidya
62. Which of the following statement is false, Acc. to Sushruta(Su.Su. 3/2)
1. Study should not be done always
2. Study should not be done in the evening
3. Study should not be done in the navami of Krishna paksha
4. study should not be done during travelling
63. Pipilikas are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Oudbija
64. Moola of Shareerika Vyadhis are ……………. acc. to Sushruta.
1. Anna 2. Panna 3. Both 4. Only Anna
65. Uttaratantra is called so because ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Shresta 2. Bahuartha sangraha shresta 3. Its last 4. All of the above
66. ………. dwadasha masaha acc. to Sushruta
1. Maghadayo 2. Chaitradayo 3. Kartikadayo 4. Both 1 & 3
67. In Greeshma the dressings should be changed after the period of ……….. days acc. to Sushruta
1. 3 2. 2 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
68. Bimbiphala is related with ………………..yogya acc. to Sushruta
1. Chedana
2. Bhedana
3. Lekhana
4. Aharana
69. Sahasahasyav is related with …………. ritu acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemanta 2. Varsha 3. Sharat 4. Greeshma
70. …….. among the following is not the Swabhavika vyadhi acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jara 2. Sahaja 3. Nidra 4. Mrutyu
71. ……… related with aparahanha acc. to Sushruta
1. Varshikam 2. Pravrusha 3. Greeshma 4. Vasanta
72. Raja, bala are related with ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Kutharika 2. Vriddhipatra 3. Trikurchaka 4. None
73. Tantrabhushana is related with …….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Adhyayas of Sushruta Samhita
2. Sthanas of Sushruta Samhita
3. Rushis of Sushruta Samhita
4. Both 1 & 2
74. Suchirguruparo dakshatandra nidra vivarjitaha;
Patan yetena vidhina shishyaha shastrantam aapnuyaat;; ref. Su. Su. …….. chapter
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 4th
75. Uttara disha vata with sheeta, rajo yukta is related with ………. Acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemantha 2. Vasanta 3. Greeshma 4. Pravrut
76. Pradiptagaravat Sheeghram is said in the context of …… acc. to Sushtuta
1. Vrana 2. Bandhana 3. Vranaspandhanaadishu 4. Both 1 & 2
77. Which of the following is wrong acc. to Sushruta?
1. Pushpaha phalavanto Vanastapati
2. Phalavanto Apushpaha Vriksha
3. Sthambhinyascha Virudhaha
4. Both 1 and 3
78. Sarvabhutachinta shareeram is …………. Chapter of Sushruta Samhita uttarataShareerasthanantra
1. 4th 2. 1th 3. 2th 4. 3rd
79. Badisha is related with ………. Acc. to Sushruta
1. Aharana 2. Visravana 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 1
80. Nishanartha is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. Mashavarna 2. Shalakshna shila 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
81. Asthividasta shalyoddharanartham is related with ………. acc. to Sushruta
1. Swasthika 2. Samdamsha 3. Taala 4. Shalaka
82. Indragopa are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Udbija
83. Kadamba, ketaki bhushita is related with ………. Acc. to Sushruta
1. Hemantha 2. Vasanta 3. Greeshma 4. Pravrut
84. Utpala naala is related with ………. yogya acc. to Sushruta
1. Vedhya 2. Karnasandhi bandhana 3. Both 4. None
85. Indragopa are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Oudbija
86. Manduka are related with …….. acc.. to Sushruta
1. Jarayuja 2. Andaja 3. Swedaja 4. Oudbija
87. Aayatascha Vishaalascha Sama Suvibhakta Nirashraya are
1. Vranagunas 2. Vranaha karmani 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
88. Penis and Anus are best suited for ………… incision acc. to Sushruta
1. Oblique 2. Half moon shape 3. Full moon shape 4. All of the above
89. Vamahasta is related with ……….. acc. to Sushruta
1. Kutharika 2. Vriddhipatra 3. Trikurchaka 4. None
90. Udararogas are suited for …………
1. Bhuktavantaha 2. Abhuktavantaha
3. Pragbhuktavanta 4. madyapana
91. Total no. of Shastrakarmas explaind by Vagbhata ………..
1. 8 2. 13 3. 12 4. 6
92. Bandage, if removed on second day, then …….. will be seen w.r.t. vrana acc. to Sushruta
1. Delay in the healing of the wound
2. Granulomatous changes can be seen in the vrana
3. Vrana will become healthy or else it will start putrefying
4. Both 1 & 2
93. Total no. of Vrana karmas acc. to Sushruta
1. 5 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2 or 1
94. Oupadravikamadhyaaya is …………. Chapter of Sushruta Samhita uttaratantra
1. 4th 2. 1th 3. 2th 4. 3rd
95. Bhutavidya is placed ………. By Sushruta among astangas
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 4th
96. Simha,Vyagra are related with ……… yantra acc. to Sushruta
1. Swasthika 2. Samdamsha 3. Taala 4. Shalaka
97. Lekhana should be done with …………….. dhara Shastra
1. Masuri 2. Ardhamasuri 3. Kaishiki 4. Ardhakaishiki
98. For dwija, treatment should be done with ………… acc. to Sushruta(Su.Su. 2/8)
1. With own medicines 2. Like relatives 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Swasutaniva
99. Agnikarma yantra are ………… in no. acc. to Sushruta
1. 1 2. 3 3. Both 4. 5
100. Total no. of Suchi acc. to Sushruta are ……..
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4