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Dr. Gujar Brothers

"The Impact of Laziness on Personal and Professional Success: How Being Proactive Can Change Your Life"

आलस्यं हरति प्रज्ञां धनमायुर्यशो बलम् ।

यस्मिन्नास्ते तदालस्यं सर्वदोषाकरस्तु सः ॥

Word meaning:

आलस्यं = Laziness

हरति = destroys

प्रज्ञां = intelligence

धनमायुर्यशो = धनं-Money, आयुः- lifespan, यशो- fame/ wealth

बलम्= energy/ strength

यस्मिन्नास्ते = यस्मिन्- in which, न- not, अस्ते- be

तदालस्यं = तत्- that, आलस्यं- Laziness

सर्वदोषाकरस्तु = सर्व- every, दोषाकरः- causing harm, तु- now

सः= he


Laziness destroys intelligence, wealth, lifespan, fame and strength. Those who eliminate laziness can avoid these detrimental effects.

Kannada Meaning:

ಸೋಮಾರಿತನವು ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆ, ಸಂಪತ್ತು, ಆಯುಷ್ಯ, ಕೀರ್ತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಶಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ನಾಶಪಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಸೋಮಾರಿತನವನ್ನು ಹೋಗಲಾಡಿಸುವವರು ಈ ದುಷ್ಪರಿಣಾಮಗಳನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಬಹುದು.

Hindi Meaning:

आलस्य बुद्धि, धन, आयु, यश और बल का नाश करता है। जो लोग आलस्य को दूर कर देते हैं, वे इन हानिकारक प्रभावों से बच सकते हैं।


Laziness is a detrimental trait that can have far-reaching consequences across different aspects of one's life. When individuals succumb to laziness, it not only affects their intelligence but also hinders their ability to accumulate wealth.

The lack of motivation and drive that comes with laziness can lead to missed opportunities for financial growth and success. 

Furthermore, laziness can have a direct impact on one's lifespan and overall health. By neglecting physical activity and healthy habits, lazy individuals are more prone to illnesses and a shorter lifespan.

This lack of energy and vitality can significantly reduce the quality of life and limit one's potential for longevity. 

In addition, fame and reputation can also be tarnished by laziness.

Those who fail to put in the necessary effort and dedication to their craft or profession may struggle to achieve recognition and success in their respective fields. Hard work and perseverance are often key components in building a positive reputation and gaining fame. 

On the other hand, individuals who actively work to eliminate laziness from their lives can experience a multitude of benefits.

By cultivating a strong work ethic and staying committed to their goals, they can enhance their intelligence, accumulate wealth, improve their health and longevity, and build a solid reputation for themselves.

Overcoming laziness is a crucial step towards unlocking one's full potential and achieving success in various aspects of life.

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