The Significance of Shalyatantra in Sushruta's 2 Shlokas
Shlokas No. 1
अष्टास्वपि चायुर्वेदतन्त्रेष्वेतदेवाधिकमभिमतम्, आशुक्रियाकरणाद्यन्त्रशस्त्रक्षाराग्निप्रणिधानात् सर्वतन्त्रसामान्याच्च ||१८|| Su. Su. 1
Word meaning:
अष्टासु = among eight
अपि = also or even
च = and
आयुर्वेद = Ayurveda
तन्त्रेषु = Science
एतत् = this
एव - only
अधिकम् = excess
अभिमतम्= praised
आशुक्रिया = Fast action
करणात् = doing
यन्त्र = Blunt instruments
शस्त्र = Sharp instruments
क्षार = Alkali preparations
अग्नि = Fire
प्रणिधानात् = applying/ using
सर्व= Every
तन्त्र = science/ branch
सामान्यात् = similarity
च = and
Shloka Meaning:
Out of the eight branches of Ayurveda, Shalyatantra is highly esteemed for its use of blunt and sharp instruments, alkali preparations, fire treatment, along with the similarities in modalities of treatment with the other branches.
Among the eight branches of Ayurveda, Shalyatantra holds a distinguished position due to its specialized focus on the utilization of both blunt and sharp instruments, alkali preparations, and fire treatments.
This branch is highly regarded for its unique approach to surgical procedures and its emphasis on the similarities in treatment modalities shared with other branches of Ayurveda.
A key aspect of Shalyatantra is the expertise required to perform surgeries.
Those well-versed in Shalyatantra, possess the skill and knowledge to effectively use surgical instruments and conduct intricate procedures.
This expertise grants them the ability to address a wide range of ailments through surgical interventions. On the other hand, practitioners who lack proficiency in surgical techniques are limited to administering panchakarma therapies and non-invasive treatments within the realm of Ayurveda.
It is important to note that while other branches of Ayurveda may be able to diagnose surgical conditions, the management and treatment of such ailments ultimately fall under the purview of surgeons trained in Shalyatantra.
This highlights the specialized nature of surgical care within Ayurvedic practice and underscores the critical role of skilled surgeons in addressing surgical diseases effectively.
Overall, Shalyatantra stands out as a vital branch of Ayurveda that combines traditional principles with advanced surgical techniques, offering a comprehensive approach to healthcare that is both intricate and highly effective in managing a diverse array of medical conditions.
Shlokas no. 2
तत्र शस्त्रसाध्येषु स्नेहादिक्रिया न प्रतिषिध्यते, स्नेहादिक्रियासाध्येषु शस्त्रकर्म न क्रियते ||३|| Su. Su. 24
Word meaning:
तत्र = there
शस्त्र = Surgical
साध्येषु = manageable
स्नेह = oils
आदि = others
क्रिया = treatment options
न = not
प्रतिषिध्यते= prohibited/ forbidden
स्नेह = oils
आदि = others
क्रिया = treatment options
साध्येषु = manageable
शस्त्रकर्म = surgery
न = not
क्रियते = done
Shloka Meaning:
The diseases which can be managed by surgery can also be treated with Panchakarma therapies, but for diseases that can be managed by Panchakarma alone, surgery is prohibited.
The diseases that are suitable for surgical management can also find relief through Panchakarma therapies. However, it is essential to note that while Panchakarma treatments can address a wide range of conditions, there are certain illnesses where surgery is the preferred course of action. Surgical diseases necessitate a combination of surgical intervention and Panchakarma therapies for effective management. On the other hand, non-surgical conditions should only be treated with Panchakarma, and surgery should be avoided in such cases. This underscores the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of both surgical techniques and Panchakarma therapies. To excel as a healthcare practitioner, one must be proficient in both areas to provide the best possible care for patients. Specializing in both surgery and Panchakarma will equip a doctor with the skills and knowledge needed to offer holistic and effective treatment options, ensuring optimal outcomes for those under their care.
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